Morning Sing: June 10, 2020
Feelings, from 1974, written and performed by one-hit wonder, Brazilian singer-songwriter Morris Albert, is the Morning Sing today (countdown – 3 left after this!). This summer I’ve been exploring some of the more recent research in neuroscience research into the brain and how we categorize emotion and the neural processes in singing. I’m also exploring physiology (I just completed a 4-day course on fascial dissection of the human body on an untreated cadaver – it was fascinating!) and the benefit of slow to the brain and learning. But, back to Feelings: Everything relates, because our body senses emotions, our brain interprets them, and our voice reacts.
The resource for Morris Albert is Wikipedia today…I REALLY try not to use the website as a source, but it turned up an interesting fact—Albert was successfully sued in 1988 by French songwriter Louis “Loulou” Gasté for stealing intellectual property: the melody to this song.
Resources on my summer reading list (either already read or “in the queue”):
Barrett, Lisa Feldman. How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain. Boston, MA: Mariner Books, 2018.
Deutsch, Diana. Musical Illusions and Phantom Words: How Music and Speech Unlock Mysteries of the Brain. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Falconer, Tim. Bad Singer: the Surprising Science of Tone Deafness and How We Hear Music. Toronto, Canada: House of Anansi Press, 2017.
Feldenkrais, Moshe. Awareness Through Movement: Easy-to-Do Health Exercises to Improve Your Posture, Vision, Imagination, and Personal Awareness (1972, 1977). New York, NY: HarperOne, 1990.
Koelsch, Stefan. Brain and Music. Oxford, England: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
Nelson, Samuel H., and Elizabeth Blades. Singing with Your Whole Self: a Singer's Guide to Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2018.
Sussuma, Robert. “Baring the Bones: Making the Shift from a Muscular to a Skeletal Paradigm in Voice Training.” Voice and Speech Review 13, no. 2 (2019): 226–36.
Waitzkin, Josh. The Art of Learning: an Inner Journey to Optimal Performance. New York, NY: Free Press, 2008.
Okay – how did I get from Morning Sing to a Bibliography list? Well, that’s how my summer is going. I’m following where my interests are lying and where I’m having fun learning. Thanks for going on this journey with me!!
English Words “and Music” by Morris Albert
As of 1988, Music by Loulou Gasté
Recorded by Morris Albert on RCA Records
© 1974, 1975 by Editors Agusta—at least on the 1975 sheet music I have from my grandfather