Morning Sing: April 21, 2020

Something many don’t know about me is that, while I have always sung with my family, while growing up, I considered myself a dancer. I loved the ballet (and still do) and was very serious in my studies until I had enough injuries that let me know my body was not designed for the life of a ballerina. But, oh, did I love to move to music! I was the one with an excess of enthusiasm who threw herself into the somatic experience of dance.

This song, Danza, danza, fanciulla by Francesco Durante, has always spoken to me because of my connection to dance. So, not only sing today, but dance!!

Accompaniment from: Appcompanist

Synopsis: Dance to my song, young maiden.

Danza, danza, fanciulla,
al mio cantar;
danza, danza fanciulla gentile,
al mio cantar.
Gira leggera, sottile al suono,
al suono dell'onde del mar.
Senti il vago rumore
dell'aura scherzosa
che parla al core
con languido suon,
e che invita a danzar
senza posa, senza posa,
che invita a danzar.
Danza, danza, fanciulla gentile,
al mio cantar.

Dance, dance, maiden,
to my song;
dance, dance, kind maiden,
to my song;
Turn lightly, flexibly to the sound,
the sound of the waves of the sea.
Hear the murmur
of the playful breeze
which speaks to the heart
with a langorous sound,
and invites [you] to dance
which relentlessly invites you to dance.
Dance, dance, kind maiden,
to my song.

English translation (c) Rachel Velarde, 2020

Translation to French, Portuguese, and Spanish:

Dr. Rachel

Inspirational vocal coach in Northwest Missouri. In private voice lessons, Dr. Rachel helps singers find joy in vocal exploration, so they suspend judgment, follow their intuition, and ultimately communicate with joy in ways previously unknown.

Morning Sing: April 22, 2020


Morning Sing: April 20, 2020